
Welcome. My name is Leeman. This blog was created on April 1st, 2006.

Leemanism is the belief in myself. Originally, a blog to rant and vent about the injustices I felt during a romantic endeavour that went south. Since then, this blog had peaked at around 700 blog posts and about 800 comments primarily from my friends. I’m not going to go into the details of this blog’s history, so I’ll just leave it like this.

As of today, 2024, April 3rd, it has been 18 years since this blog started. Isn’t that crazy?! 18 years! Not many personal projects have lasted this long for most people. When Blogger and MySpace first came out, at least a third of my friends jumped on the blogging bandwagon, even before I did, and all of them stopped doing it after a year or two. Not me. I kept going. I wasn’t into blogging because I could get likes and people to bounce around in my echo chamber. I was into blogging because I liked talking with myself and typing all of those thoughts out. Having readers was a byproduct, and people commenting was a byproduct of having readers. Foremost, I did it for myself. If others found entertainment and insight in what I had to say, good for them.

Alas, since 2011, the desire to post in my blog dwindled. Sometimes, I made two to three entries per day. Sometimes, I made one or two posts over a period of a year. Inconsistency wasn’t a problem. The problem was purpose. As time went on, I felt like I outgrew the original intent of my blog.

In the last few months, in conversation with Amber, I was trying to convince myself to move forward with the idea that I can make Leemanism into something else. It will still be my blog, but a blog with matured thought processes and a greater emphasize on sharing perspectives.

Today, I deleted all of my blog entries, as well as removed almost every picture and video I had posted here. Starting anew will be quite awesome and I’m looking forward to putting the current version of me back on the table.


    Please prove you are human by selecting the truck.

    There is no left wing or right wing specific ideals here. It is as life should be regardless of society's squabbles and disagreements. I never said I strive to be a good person, nor did I ever say I will deliberately do people harm. I only said that I will do what needs to be done to survive in the world. The end doesn't always justify the means and the means don't always justify the end.

    People from all shades of the political and social spectrum will find my content offensive. So my blog isn't for most people. It's for people closer to my spectrum of recognition and understanding. If you are an easily triggered reactionary conservative snowflake, then kindly fuck off. If you are an obnoxiously phoney liberal that consider yourself progressive but actually limit yourself to the matchbox-sized confinements of your isms, then go choke on your own crying snot juice elsewhere. You have been warned.

    For the rest of you, welcome to my immodest abode. It's not smart, nor intelligent, nor wise. It's just life.