After little debate, Patrick, Laura, Julia, and I went to the Vancouver Aquarium on Boxing Day as well as a small walk around Stanley Park to take pictures with the Totems and stuff. Most of Stanley Park was closed due to the wind storms a few weeks ago. Some of the trees are near their thousand years of age, and it’s quite a sad sight to see them wrecked like that.
^^ On the way to Vancouver from Richmond on the Knightstreet Bridge.
^^ After we arrived at Laura’s, she suggested Pho Quyen just up the street on Fraser. The food was pretty good. This reminds me that I still have to give Pat $30 back for the ticket and stuff. Oh and that’s Julia caught off guard. 8]
^^ Spongey eating to her heart’s desire. 8]
^^ Sleepy are we?
^^ Awww… So cute! I think I can almost hear her purr… 83
^^ Looking southward towards downtown Vancouver while we drove along the seawall at Stanley Park. I would have to say it’s a near-perfect picture wouldn’t you agree? 8]
^^ Looking north westward along the north-eastern Seawall. When I saw this picture again a few minutes ago, I thought that this was pretty much where my dad took a similar picture of me and my mom about 27 years ago.
^^ One of the many ‘views’ of Pat…
^^ I think Laura has something going for Julia. 8]
^^ In front of the ‘famous’ Orca statue in front of the Vancouver Aquarium.
^^ Rock cod.
^^ Octopus. Laura loves the octopi. She does. Don’t you Laura? You do. I know you do. 😉
^^ They look so adorable huddled together like that. 83
^^ Laura, aka Spongey is WAAAAYYYY grosser than me. Guess what she was thinking about in this picture?
^^ Outdoors again after the Beluga show, the dolphin show… Yes.
^^ Indoors again in the new section of the Van Aquarium. It was different last November (2005) when I went there with Cindy. The new area looks really cool. Especially that jelly fish tank in the middle there.
BTW Albert, doesn’t that look like engineering inside a Federation Starship? My starship will be powered by jellyfish!
^^ Very interesting creatures I have to say. In my multimillion dollar Asian-like castle, I will have an underground aquarium of my own of cuttlefish and jellyfish.
^^ Yup.
^^ Nice pic eh? So serene…
^^ Stingray amongst sharks.
^^ Sloth.
^^ Ibis.
^^ Giant spider of sorts.
^^ Massive amazon fish of sorts that eat fruit and nuts.
^^ Awww, is fuzzy wuzzy Laura getting sleepy too?
^^ Pat napping on Laura’s couch of loooove.
So anyway, my revisit back to the Van Aquarium brought back certain emotions. It had been a long time since I went back to Van Aquarium before I went there again last November with Cindy. When I was little, I loved going to the Van Aquarium and Stanley Park in general. Before they moved all the animals to the Greater Vancouver Zoo, Stanley Park had polar bears, monkeys, parrots, lions, and many other animals. It was a very lively place. 15 and a half years later, I went back there with Cindy and things have changed considerably. However, a year and a month after that, the day was still quite fun with Julia bouncing here and there curiously looking and pointing at things.
The night ended with me being super sleepy and tired, Pat drifting off to Delusional Land, and Julia passing out on Laura’s bed. Laura ended up cooking Chinese Borsche (sp?) for us. Thanks mom! After that, Pat took me home and he went home himself. Laura and Julia went with Laura’s family to Richmond to see her grand father.
Back home, my cousins Brandon and Christina were sleeping over with my 7th aunt. Christina/Brandon gave me a tri-DVD collection of The Mummy, The Mummy Returns, and The Scorpion King. I also had a chance to play with Brandon’s new PSP. I envy him! So cool looking! Too bad it costs like $170. Nah, I have GBA SP. It’s good enough for now.
BTW, for Stina and others whom I still owe emails to, I’ll get to them as soon as I can. I have them on my mind all the time. I just have to complete my client’s project and stuff first.
Happy holidays everyone!
PS: for those who trust me enough, email me your postal address and I’ll send you something cool. 8]
… swims so wide and he swims so free! mama and papa and the sea below -da da da da daa da da da! Ohhh Babyyy baluuuga, oh baaaby baluuga, here’s your water spout for youuu and meeee and… LOL
In the shot with Julia by herself falling asleep in the car, it looks as though she’s an extreme biatch! LOL If only she wore hoopy earrings!!! 😉
I imagined hearing you sing that song. You sound just like my preschool teacher back in 1984. 8]
And about Julia sleeping with the non-existing loopy earrings – yes, wouldn’t it be so bitchy if she wore them right then and there? Wow, I think I wouldn’t have been able to control myself and cause a major disturbance in my pants. YOU NAUGHTY NAUGHTY GIRL YOU – why Laura? Why?!? [falls to knees and waves fits into the sky] WHY?!?!
That pic you said looked like the one your dad took, is damn close. Looks like you were standinga bout twenty feet away from where he stood. o.O! That is cool.
As for the address thing. xD I don’t trust you. But not in a bad way.Knowing you, you’d send me another assload of games for my comp(Which reminds me, I need to reinstall several of the other ones, since this is a new HD) and/or that graphics card you said you’d send me.
Way to much dude.
Yes, that’s why I need your address again fool. I lost it in the last transfer from my old computer to my new one! 8/
Dx This is what I meant by too much.