5:52am So I’m toiling away on my current project and finally decided to take a brief break before continuing. I thought about what Emma asked during the summer and think I can give a clear … Emma’s AnswerRead more
Miss Bud
Super Massive Black Holes
2:15am A huge fascination of mine since childhood was the idea of super massive black holes. In my early teens, I even developed my own super long term sci-fi story, that I am still working … Super Massive Black HolesRead more
Reflections In The Morning After
11:35pm So I did make it back alive after all. 8] Yeah I know, but always just in case. I should update my will as soon as my many mosquito stings go away. Going up … Reflections In The Morning AfterRead more
The Nationstate of Emma
12:15am “Weenerschnitzle” and “Twinginberries” seems to be Pat’s two most spoken ‘words’. I lucka no speek engrish. [implodes] Boy are my quads sore! I cycled for 15 minutes and then did my round of gym … The Nationstate of EmmaRead more
The CBC Trio
7:41pm …no, not really. I resent how some people refer me to as “Asian” or “Chinese”. They can call me “Chink Boy” or “Slanted-Eyed Yellow Turd”, so I can smack them plenty, but calling me … The CBC TrioRead more