The most insidious thing I’ve experienced is how I have fallen into such disrepair coinciding my inability to contain my resentfulness towards myself. That’s not…
Jon once asked me in 2008, why I didn’t go after Thalia – the girl, not his car… Hahaha! What a total coincidence eh? Yeah…
Amber grew up in a broken family. Sister was abused, Amber was abused. Mom didn’t take her children’s childhood abuse seriously. Father killed himself many…
Marlene gaslighted me and told an out-of-context lie to one of our mutual friends about me. Initially, I was a fool for sweeping that notion…
Near the end of Long Lasting Relationships, I said… While of course, people should learn to love themselves first before seeking others out, the reality…
Thalia asked me, maybe a bit rhetorically using our friendship as a basis for this question, what I thought are the key elements of creating…
Thalia and I remember the events of 2012 differently. She only remembers one instance and within that instance, her version of what happened differed greatly.…
There is no left wing or right wing specific ideals here. It is as life should be regardless of society's squabbles and disagreements. I never said I strive to be a good person, nor did I ever say I will deliberately do people harm. I only said that I will do what needs to be done to survive in the world. The end doesn't always justify the means and the means don't always justify the end.

People from all shades of the political and social spectrum will find my content offensive. So my blog isn't for most people. It's for people closer to my spectrum of recognition and understanding. If you are an easily triggered reactionary conservative snowflake, then kindly fuck off. If you are an obnoxiously phoney liberal that consider yourself progressive but actually limit yourself to the matchbox-sized confinements of your isms, then go choke on your own crying snot juice elsewhere. You have been warned.

For the rest of you, welcome to my immodest abode. It's not smart, nor intelligent, nor wise. It's just life.