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The majority of people I know celebrate anniversaries of varying types. However, they do so on a specific day once a year. Namely, their wedding anniversaries and/or the first time they met.

Amber and I celebrate our anniversaries differently. We normally don’t. We don’t celebrate Valentines Day, and we haven’t really celebrated our wedding anniversary either. The reason is pretty simple. The things other people normally do on their anniversaries and Valentines Day, we already do pretty much every day. The difference is that we don’t emphasize on ‘one special day’, because every day, every moment should be cherished. It can be argued that people who don’t have much time nor energy day to day, don’t have the luxury to celebrate love the way we do. Alas, I digress. You do, but you make excuses not to because your relationship isn’t worthy of your time nor energy to put into. For example, my high school counsellor and his wife, who was also my high school art teacher lead super busy lives. Yet, they celebrate each other daily. They always made time for each other.

For example, this is a typical weekday…

  1. I get up before she does around 2am. I do my morning rituals, then around 5am, I make her a peanut butter sandwich, sometimes two. This is for her breakfast. She loves peanut butter. Sometimes, inside the second slice, I might change it up a bit, just to surprise her. Like yesterday, I put honey on one of the slices, and on a different day, I put strawberry jam.
  2. Also, more than half of the time, I put away the cleaned dishwasher dishes, and put any used ones into it. Then I proceed to clean the kitchen counters, stove, and sink. That way, when Amber gets up and goes to the kitchen, she doesn’t feel overwhelmed by any messes she might see, which can put a point or two down on the negative side of her mood.
  3. She sets her alarm for 5:30am. Usually, I just let her snooze until around 6am. Lately, I’ve been encouraging her to get up the moment her alarm goes off, to go ride the stationary bike, as she had requested. Yesterday afternoon, she sent me a Whatsapp text thanking me for doing so, as it made her day feel better.
  4. About 30% of normal time, I walk Rudi in the morning. The reason I don’t do it more often, is because I am trying to encourage Amber to wake up earlier to do her exercises. If she does, then I normally walk Rudi. I said “normal time”, because “abnormal time” exist in the sense that sometimes, Amber isn’t feeling well mentally, so I make an extra effort to make sure those days are well-taken care of, so she doesn’t do anything extra beyond her work. Basically, it all adds up to about 50% Amber walking Rudi, and 50% me walking Rudi in the mornings.
  5. 80% of the time, I am the one who cleans the kitchen, and vacuums the house. I also make sure things are thrown out, put back into place, bills paid on time, any grievances are resolved, and I report all of this to Amber usually through Whatsapp. If there are decisions to be made, that I want to involve Amber, which is most of the time, then I tell her in person. I also spend most mornings, in a lighthearted way, tell Amber my near-future plans that involve the household, or her health.
  6. Once Amber finishes her morning rituals before work, she usually goes up to me and kisses my lips, then hugs me. Which of course, I kiss and hug her back. If dinner hasn’t already been prepared the previous day, then I ask what she would like me to cook, followed by options.
  7. As she goes out to walk Rudi, or takes a morning shower, I take her refrigerated lunch container out and set it on the kitchen island. I take a Vitasoy box out, place it on top of the container, followed by an utensil, then the peanut butter sandwiches with their respective bags beside it.
  8. The moment she is about to leave for her work, I open the front door and get out of the way, so she can easily get to her shoes and bag. On the way out, about 70% of the time, she would kiss me on the cheek. Then as she passed through the doorway, we say some casual mushy things, then we say bye bye to each other. Sometimes, if she doesn’t do those things ‘properly’ with me, I might chase her down, and give her an affectionate kiss and a hug at the same time. Shes likes those moments. So I think she might not do them ‘properly’, so she can get that affectionate kiss and hug.
  9. Throughout the day, about 70% of the time, she will message me in the morning while at work having her snack/breakfast. Then again around 11:30am during her lunch.
  10. Around 4:15pm, she might tell me she is half way down Minoru, which prompts me to go out with Rudi to meet her. The moment I see her around the corner, I wave at her. Then when we walk up to each other, I remark, “Hello!” She gives me a little smile, kisses my lips, then I hand her Rudi’s leash, and I take her lunch bag from her.
  11. Once she gets home, about 70% of the time, everything is tidy, reorganized, and things that need to be put away will be put away. Then I ask if she wants me to set a bath for her, or make her some tea.
  12. Dinner is either ready by the time she gets home, or I need her to help me cook the last dish. So either she gets to eat right away when she gets home, or we wait another 30 minutes or less. My cooking is pretty delicious and make sure to cook the things that will satisfy her. This means giving her the best and yummiest portions.
  13. After dinner, I put away the dishes, and ask if she wants dessert. This could be fruits, snacks, yogourt, or simply tea and soda.
  14. After dinner, she would take a shower, then we might play a video game together like 7 Days to Die, Valheim, Elder Scrolls Online, or something on Nintendo Switch like Mario Kart. Recently, we got into Lorcana. So we might play that or some other tabletop game such as Exploding Kittens, or Code Breaker.
  15. Later in the evening, around 9pm, she might express the desire for sex. So we engage in that. Two weeks ago, we had sex five out of the seven days. She was my walking cum bucket. Last week, we had sex four of the seven days. She was very wet every time I caressed my fingers around her labia. That always intensifies her masturbation and pretty much makes her orgasm within 2-3 minutes. That’s why I suggest that she masturbate on her own for a few minutes, before I start touching her. When she masturbates alone, it takes her about 10-15 minutes to orgasm and doesn’t feel as good. When I touch her, she usually orgasms within 2-3 minutes. She told me it feels incredibly amazing and is super intense, but she also kind of hates it because it’s too fast. I stroke her pussy lips in a flicking motion with my middle finger, while the two adjacent fingers caresses either side of her pussy. When it gets super wet, I change it up and stroke the base of her pussy in a circular motion. That really gets her going. It’s like a faucet down there. All the while, I would lick her nipples in a circular motion, occasionally sucking on them. I would also kiss her breasts and her neck too. Timing is everything really. The nipples help get her to a point, then the breast and neck kissing couples with the pussy stroking finishes her off.
  16. She might stay up a bit longer, and I will likely go to bed, since I wake up super early. I always say good night to her. Sometimes, I give her a kiss before I do.

It’s not like that every day of course. Sometimes, around 6pm to 10pm, she might hang out with our friends on Discord. During hotter days, we might go out for a bike ride in the early evening. If it’s a Friday, we might go out for a short walk with Rudi around the block. Wednesdays from 6:30pm to 11pm, is the Goody Two Shoes Gang hangout day. Uncommonly, no one shows up. Most of the time, there are four people in voice chat. Sometimes, there are seven people in voice chat. Yeah, we all keep in touch as much as we can.

Anyway, I kind of have gotten a bit sidetracked there. ^_^

It’s not our wedding anniversary we celebrate, but it’s my Anneversary to celebrate Amber who picked me, and chose to stick with me, despite all of my faults throughout the years.

Yesterday, in the morning, as Amber was preparing for her work, I was in the kitchen with her. She looked at me when I said, “Did you see the calendar? It’s our Wedding Anneversary. Get it?”

She laughed and said, “Yeah, I get it.”

Then I repeated, “Are you sure you get it?”

Which she responded, “Yes Leeman, I get it. It’s spelled Anne.”

So I said, “I know you get it, but… Turn around! Don’t look at me!” I was blushing at this point, because I was about to say something super mushy. Amber looked away and I continued, “It’s a day where I put extra emphasize to remind myself who you are in my life. It’s not just our wedding anniversary, but an anniversary where you chose me to be a part of your life.” I stopped around there, as it was getting closer to when she needed to leave for work. She came up to me, hugged me sweetly, then gave me a longer kiss on the lips with a half-closed eyes and a warm smile.

Then in the evening, as we were dividing up the cooked dishes for her lunch the next day, and our dinners, we were talking about other stuff, when she looked at me, I decided to tell her again, “Look away!” Which she immediately did, because she knew I was about to say even more mushy things. While standing diagonally behind her, I said, “Continuing what I said this morning, this isn’t our wedding anniversary where we celebrate our union with each other. We don’t celebrate a ‘special day’ to remind us what we are to each other, especially when we cherish each day we have with each other already. Every day is already a reminder to where we started and what we’ve become. No, this is my Anneversary to celebrate the notion that you picked me, and chose to stick with me, despite all of the faults I have. I dare say though, that I have gotten a lot better as the years have gone by, but I know, I still have a lot to work on, and I know with your love and companionship, getting to wherever I want and need to be, is just a matter of time.”

What I didn’t say, but is pretty much on my mind all of the time, is whenever I look at her during varying times throughout the day, whether that from behind while she’s at the computer desk and I’m in the kitchen, or I’m leaning against the wall staring at her on the toilet rubbing her sleepy face, or watching her sleep while her head is tilted into a strange position and her mouth is wide opened with one of her large breasts flowing out of her shirt, or looking through photos of her licking my horny cock… What was I trying to say? Right, whenever I look at her during varying times of the day, I am not specifically thinking about what she’s doing at those times. Instead, a whole bunch of feelings combined with the echoes of past experiences, swirl into my mind, creating a sort of mental affection of sorts. Sometimes, Amber reacts a bit negatively, like I’m trying to ‘start’ something, or maybe she thinks I’m looking at her with disdain. I mean, she has a resting bitch face, and I have an ice-cold expressionless face most of the time, but that doesn’t mean I want to start something bad with her, unless “bad” means I get to deep throat her mouth until she gags and cries, and/or I get to pound her pussy for the 7th time today where she literally crosses her hands in an X symbol telling me “NO MORE!”

When people remark on true love, I often think about us, even through the setbacks we had, because we don’t fight about stupid things. We don’t fight about petty things. We don’t fight about whose not doing their chores, or whose not taking care of the things that need to be taken care. No, we fight for the things that matter to the each of us which makes up the foundation of our well being. For example, we fight because her toxic family members have control over the things she doesn’t want to do, but still do them, because of their connective past. We fight because even though her psychiatrist and I agree on certain things, Amber still resorts to doing them, because her mental issues have authority over her self control. We fight because I have done everything in my willpower, all 100% of my patience, tolerance, empathy, active, reactive, and passive methods in trying to make her life better, and at the end of the day, sometimes, she reverts back so much that it not just pains me, but I feel betrayed.

Basically, we fight because I am a one million person army, with me at the head of it as its general, fighting for Amber, our queen to conquer her mental issues, but sometimes, Amber does a 180 and tries to kill off her own army, the same one that defends her, just so she can go back to the way things were. It’s a part of her Borderline Personality Disorder, Splitting, PTSD, heavy depression, and anxiety.

We fight for the big things in life. The things that bring us forward. Most people in intimate relationships fight about the small insignificant things, that at the end of the day, is all about disrespect, disdain, dishonour, and taking each other for granted. Their excuses are pathetic. The only excuse we have to fight, is that at least one of us, is drowning in black thick gooey slime, and the other who barely can swim, is doing everything he can do to keep her afloat. The medications, the psychologist, psychiatrist, the friends, and everything else is doing the other bits, like trying to wash away some of that black thick gooey slime.

So, that’s where we’re at. That’s where I’m at. It’s my Anneversary, because Amber is my queen, and I am her general, last line of defense, the one that stands between her and the evil beyond her walls. She trusted and chose me to be her general, lover, companion, and friend. When she breaks down, then I must stand for her beside her, with her. That is all.

One thought on “Anneversary

  1. You never fail to captivate me with your stories about intimacy. It’s as if a spark ignites the moment you begin, offering vivid, moment-by-moment details. Perhaps erotic fiction was always your true calling? I couldn’t help but blush a little reading about your encounter with Amber. 😉

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There is no left wing or right wing specific ideals here. It is as life should be regardless of society's squabbles and disagreements. I never said I strive to be a good person, nor did I ever say I will deliberately do people harm. I only said that I will do what needs to be done to survive in the world. The end doesn't always justify the means and the means don't always justify the end.

People from all shades of the political and social spectrum will find my content offensive. So my blog isn't for most people. It's for people closer to my spectrum of recognition and understanding. If you are an easily triggered reactionary conservative snowflake, then kindly fuck off. If you are an obnoxiously phoney liberal that consider yourself progressive but actually limit yourself to the matchbox-sized confinements of your isms, then go choke on your own crying snot juice elsewhere. You have been warned.

For the rest of you, welcome to my immodest abode. It's not smart, nor intelligent, nor wise. It's just life.