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Use Your Cloaking Device


Shit, I have so much stuff to do tonight and I slacked off the entire day today! My client is going to be MAD – MAD like those MILFs Against Drunk Drivers MADD!


Right so anyway, I was typing up a reply to Mystery Girl’s question and remembered something Lisa V asked me a few days ago. I believe she called me to wish me a… No wait, I mass texted everyone to wish them a happy pre-new year’s eve and then received a call from her a couple of days later balling her eyes out about some guy who used her for sex and never returned her calls after. Then a day later, she called me again and talked a bit. She asked me if I am interested in dating again. Of course, I couldn’t help but grin really widely, especially when she asked me if I am still only interested in Asian girls and whether I would mind if that girl had kids. At that moment I laughed my ass off. Then she continued by asking “What? Why are you laughing Leeman? I’m asking because I have some friends who are single moms.”

In between laughs, I directly said to her, “It sounds like you’re ‘indirectly’ asking me if I would like to date you.” Of course, she denied it and told me about so and so, etc, etc. I asked her, “How did you guess that I was looking for a new girlfriend in the first place?”

She replied, “From reading your journal entries, it seems like you’re putting emphasize that you’re single now.”


Anyway, I told her that I’m not in the right frame of mind to start dating again, nor am I looking for a new girlfriend. There is no void to fill. [grins] I told her that I have major priorities in my life right now, and this is no excuse – not like Laura’s or Pat’s. I seriously create free time to hang out with my friends when in fact, I truly don’t have free time. When my team mates have 5 hour per day sleeps and constant work, I am the one slacking off majorly. The problem with me is that I work more efficiently when I am strained for time.

Yes, I rather game than date. 8]

According to Pat, we are the ultimate geeks. I concur.


PS: Lisa V, if you’re reading this, just outright tell me you want me to bone you, instead of beating around the bush. 😉

8 thoughts on “Use Your Cloaking Device

  1. GEEKS ARE HOT!!! And I think there’s a verse in the Bible that says, “The GEEKS shall inherit the earth” 😉

  2. Hey [points at you]… Come here. I have something to do to you. Drop by the local pet store and get a leash beforehand.

  3. Actually, guys who can fix computers ARE hot. It’s the new “damsel in distress” tool 😉

  4. Is that right? Huh….that must be why I don’t get any action anymore. I WILL learn to fix computers!

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The concepts of Leemanism are minimally filtered and don't reflect the people I value or associate with. Those who accept me, embrace our common ground and tolerate our differences. How people perceive me doesn't mean the people I mention here are the same as me. It's possible they're similar, different, or both. Full compatibility between people is rare, as is full support, even when people claim it.

Society expects self-respect to follow its rules, but real self-respect is about doing what pleases you while refusing to tolerate disrespect. When others disrespect you, you cut them out. Don’t let society convince you that self-respect should be based on its moral standards. It’s your right to live as you desire, not as society dictates. Too many people lose their individuality to fit in, pretending to be unique while secretly seeking acceptance. If you're someone who tries to fit in while claiming to be ‘weird,’ you're delusional. People talk about being weird, but when challenged, they retreat into conformity, avoiding accountability.

That’s boring.

Still, I get that some people have to conform to survive, as society and the law often punish those who don't fit in. Even if your ideals are right, society will likely deem you wrong, and even your friends may side with society over you.

We are few. Stay safe. (•̀ᵥᵥ•́)