Shit, I have so much stuff to do tonight and I slacked off the entire day today! My client is going to be MAD – MAD like those MILFs Against Drunk Drivers MADD!
Right so anyway, I was typing up a reply to Mystery Girl’s question and remembered something Lisa V asked me a few days ago. I believe she called me to wish me a… No wait, I mass texted everyone to wish them a happy pre-new year’s eve and then received a call from her a couple of days later balling her eyes out about some guy who used her for sex and never returned her calls after. Then a day later, she called me again and talked a bit. She asked me if I am interested in dating again. Of course, I couldn’t help but grin really widely, especially when she asked me if I am still only interested in Asian girls and whether I would mind if that girl had kids. At that moment I laughed my ass off. Then she continued by asking “What? Why are you laughing Leeman? I’m asking because I have some friends who are single moms.”
In between laughs, I directly said to her, “It sounds like you’re ‘indirectly’ asking me if I would like to date you.” Of course, she denied it and told me about so and so, etc, etc. I asked her, “How did you guess that I was looking for a new girlfriend in the first place?”
She replied, “From reading your journal entries, it seems like you’re putting emphasize that you’re single now.”
Anyway, I told her that I’m not in the right frame of mind to start dating again, nor am I looking for a new girlfriend. There is no void to fill. [grins] I told her that I have major priorities in my life right now, and this is no excuse – not like Laura’s or Pat’s. I seriously create free time to hang out with my friends when in fact, I truly don’t have free time. When my team mates have 5 hour per day sleeps and constant work, I am the one slacking off majorly. The problem with me is that I work more efficiently when I am strained for time.
Yes, I rather game than date. 8]
According to Pat, we are the ultimate geeks. I concur.
PS: Lisa V, if you’re reading this, just outright tell me you want me to bone you, instead of beating around the bush. 😉
GEEKS ARE HOT!!! And I think there’s a verse in the Bible that says, “The GEEKS shall inherit the earth” 😉
Hey [points at you]… Come here. I have something to do to you. Drop by the local pet store and get a leash beforehand.
Nothing wrong with being a gamerwhore. FIGHT FOR THAT RIGHT LI!! FIGHT FOR IT!
I WILL! I’LL FIGHT FOR IT! [fights for it]
Actually, guys who can fix computers ARE hot. It’s the new “damsel in distress” tool 😉
of the 21st century
Is that right? Huh….that must be why I don’t get any action anymore. I WILL learn to fix computers!
[laughs until my tongue shoots out] That’s… That’s great…