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Tour De Patrick


I can already feel this entry will be kinda long. So before I type away I will remind myself that I have quite a few injuries from yesterday’s ride. I’ll make this short. We left Pat’s place around 10am, except shortly afterwards on Gilbert, I braked super friggin hard, and my bike flipped and landed on top me.

(About 5 hours later…)

I had some work to do, and I just came back from my Sunday meeting with The Fuzzy Chins. 8] Anyway, Pat’s coming by around 9pm to drive me to VGH for a CT Scan – in case there is an internal rip somewhere, cuz my lower right hand abdomen is killing me softly. [sigh]

Here are some low res pics of our 50km ride yesterday:

I met Pat and his place around 10:30am in central Richmond. Then we both rode up to Vancouver, to meet Francis and Uncle Dick at the Planetarium. We then chilled out at the Granville Island Brewery. I had myself a pint of Bitter Ale. Dick had a sampler, Francis had Honey Lager, and Pat as usual, had an ice-tea. After we got back to Pat’s place, we went to a Viet place for dinner, then he suggested an ultra violent movie. After Blockbuster didn’t have Running Scared, I signed up at Roger’s and got a rental for it. The movie is better than Kill Bill IMO. KB was poetic and has its moments, but in overall movie experience, I liked RS better.

Okay, too many injuries to type. Must go now. Enjoy!


3 thoughts on “Tour De Patrick

  1. Want an ultra violent/gory movie? ‘The Hostel’ looks pretty messed up. *shaking head* [sigh]

  2. Yeah, but The Hostel is friggin disgusting. I despise gory movies. Action movies with blood is fine, but too much is just nasty. 8[

    Ah, no x-rays unfortunately. I tell my story soon… 8E

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The concepts of Leemanism are minimally filtered and don't reflect the people I value or associate with. Those who accept me, embrace our common ground and tolerate our differences. How people perceive me doesn't mean the people I mention here are the same as me. It's possible they're similar, different, or both. Full compatibility between people is rare, as is full support, even when people claim it.

Society expects self-respect to follow its rules, but real self-respect is about doing what pleases you while refusing to tolerate disrespect. When others disrespect you, you cut them out. Don’t let society convince you that self-respect should be based on its moral standards. It’s your right to live as you desire, not as society dictates. Too many people lose their individuality to fit in, pretending to be unique while secretly seeking acceptance. If you're someone who tries to fit in while claiming to be ‘weird,’ you're delusional. People talk about being weird, but when challenged, they retreat into conformity, avoiding accountability.

That’s boring.

Still, I get that some people have to conform to survive, as society and the law often punish those who don't fit in. Even if your ideals are right, society will likely deem you wrong, and even your friends may side with society over you.

We are few. Stay safe. (•̀ᵥᵥ•́)