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Nightmare On Cambie Street

In the last two hours of my sleep, I dreamt that I met up with Thalia. The first half of the dream was mostly a blur. We were in a cozy middle class neighbourhood with what seemed like early evening when the sun was not up, but the sky was still lit with some of its light. However, the sky was thickened with pillowy clouds. At first, we were outside wandering around, having a conversation of sorts. We went from house yard to house yard, but never into a house. She resembled the left-side version of a combo photo of her on my shelf in real life. Eventually, it got dark enough to be called night time, and the street lamps, as well as all of the external house lights were all lit up.

At this point, we were standing at the steps of a house with a white door and a window on it with simple designs. Facing each other, I took her left hand gently, swung with it a little, and reached over to try to kiss her cheek, but the moment before my lips touched her face, somehow, we ended up in a car. Thalia was the driver and I was in the passenger seat next to her. She was driving around like a newbie, slow and fast, turning sharply into corners. I felt like I had zero control over what was happening, with her insistence to drive like a maniac. I tried asking her to slow down, but words never came out of my mouth. I tried touching her, reaching out to her, to express displeasure with her driving, but I held onto my seat and the car instead. I was not excited and very stressed.

When I woke up, I reaffirmed what I am going to request her to do in real life. That is, instead of sending me a massive wall of text, or sending me long ass hard-to-follow voice messages, I am going to send her a sentimental card with the PS “In hardship, we see true friendship. In your insistence to tell me “a lot of things”, I request you tell me in person. True to our words, true to our expressions. Until you need me for other things, my absence for your peace of mind and sanity.”

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There is no left wing or right wing specific ideals here. It is as life should be regardless of society's squabbles and disagreements. I never said I strive to be a good person, nor did I ever say I will deliberately do people harm. I only said that I will do what needs to be done to survive in the world. The end doesn't always justify the means and the means don't always justify the end.

People from all shades of the political and social spectrum will find my content offensive. So my blog isn't for most people. It's for people closer to my spectrum of recognition and understanding. If you are an easily triggered reactionary conservative snowflake, then kindly fuck off. If you are an obnoxiously phoney liberal that consider yourself progressive but actually limit yourself to the matchbox-sized confinements of your isms, then go choke on your own crying snot juice elsewhere. You have been warned.

For the rest of you, welcome to my immodest abode. It's not smart, nor intelligent, nor wise. It's just life.