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Disappointed In My Friends

Normally, when I send out emails to my friends, I get a response within the next two or three days, no matter how busy they are. About nine days ago, I sent an email with a business proposal that talked about the basics of what I needed the money for. I normally don’t ask people for help, unless I am already at my wit’s end and need aid.

I knew that most of the people on my email list wouldn’t be able to invest, but I asked out of respect. The idea behind that respect, is that they were on my mind on the premise I would like to have them be a part of my life in another form. This is on the wavelength that I know most of them wouldn’t be able to invest or isn’t willing to invest. Thus, seeing this on a higher pedestal of awesomeness, I expected them to respectfully decline. Instead, I only received one “No” response from someone I considered one of my closest friends, until six days later.

They should not be embarrassed to just say “No”. I would have immediately said “No” followed by a “Thanks for considering me as a potential angel investor, but…” Maybe I thought too highly of my friends. I know normally, they are awesome people. Most of them have helped me through life and I will never forget that. At the very least, Jon had the decency to respond. Though that is understandable, as according to my previous blog post about distance and the feeling of coldness.

This isn’t about the money. This is about the lack of mutual respect. Maybe I am ‘too’ anal retentive on my principles, but I feel that this is outright plainly disrespectful to ignore my email.

With this said, I know that I will not ask them for anything in the future, even if I am on my death bed. What’s the point? That I have to beg for a simple answer, before anyone would respond? Fuck that shit.

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Concepts from Leemanism has as little filtering as possible. These concepts are not reflected in the people I value and are associated with. People who accept me, adhere to the parts where we are compatible and tolerate the parts where we are not. So however people perceive me to be, ultimately it obviously doesn't mean the people I mention in this blog are the same as me. It means it's possible they are similar or the same, as well as different than me. It is highly unusual for people to be completely compatible with each other. It is also highly unusual for people to be fully supportive of each other, even if they say they do.

Common society expects self-respect to be a concept you enforce on yourself, while solely adhering to what common society dictates as being right. However, self-respect in fact, is doing what pleases you, while not permitting others to disrespect you, and when they do, you cut them out of your life. Don't let common society gaslight you into believing the self-respect you have for yourself should be dictated by common society's views on morality. Self-respect is the individual's right to live as they desire - not what common society deems as acceptable. Too often, people succumb to the weight of the world, dismissing their individual value, to try to fit in and be accepted. If you are the type of person who tries to fit in with common society, under the fantasy you are also an unique 'weird' person of your own thoughts, then I dare say, you're delusional. Everyone says they rather be weird, but when challenged, they retreat back into their social shells, doing everything they can to deflect self accountability.

That's utterly boring.

However, at the same time, I also understand that some people must do what they must do to protect themselves, before the law of the land and before common society try to lynch them for what they are. Even if your ideals may be right, society will more often than not, deem you wrong - even most of your friends may side with society, than protect you.

So with that said, we are few. Stay safe. (•̀ᵥᵥ•́)