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Eric Wilson signed this 26 years ago

On a much lighter note than my blog entry last night, I went to Steveston Village with Amber earlier today for about two hours. We saw the parade, viewed some bonsai trees, walked around the park, got some ice cream and went into the Steveston Book Store. We spent a good 15-20 minutes in there, as it’s probably one of my favorite stores in Richmond. Books are stacked from the floor to the ceiling and most of them are used books from eons passed. Last time I went in there was with Patrick and Doctor Ding about four years ago.

I was on a quest to find Hardy Boys’ books and Eric Wilson’s mystery books. A helpful lady next to us told me that there were some near the Nancy Drew books and BOOM! A few of them were right there. I only bought two though. One is #83, Hardy Boys, The Swamp Monster by Franklin Dixon. The other is Code Red at the Supermall by Eric Wilson. You see, back when I was still in elementary school circa 1984 to 1990, we did a lot of our activities in the library. So growing up, I loved reading books. I loved it when the teacher would give us these pamphlets to pick out the books we wanted to buy. That was really exciting for me. I heard about Eric Wilson through books I saw on the pamphlets.


One time when I was attending Mitchell Elementary School, Eric Wilson visited us and I was one of the students that got to meet him. At the end of his presentation, he told us about the Eric Wilson Mystery Club, which after reading one of his books, I again saw a small ad about the Mystery Club and I immediately signed up for it. Some months later, I got a complementary Membership Card.


Since I didn’t have a lamination machine, I put clear tape over it. LOOK AT THAT! August 29th, 1990! I was 11 years old! ^_^

So anyway, let’s fast forward to when we got home. I was sitting here at my desk thinking about when to have dinner when I decided to pick up the books and look through it briefly. I picked up the Hardy Boys book, looked at the cover and flipped through the pages briefly, put it down and picked up the Eric Wilson book. I opened to the front-inside cover and BAM! Something is written on there!!!!


It reads:

For Brook –
Thanks for your nice welcome to your school!
Eric Wilson
Prince Rupert 1990

WOW! I did not see that when I went to buy the book. I GOT A SIGNED COPY OF AN ERIC WILSON NOVEL BY ERIC WILSON HIMSELF! While I did not jump up and down in glee, I was able to briefly grab a piece of my childhood back. It brought me back to a time when I didn’t have many worries, no illnesses, was not blinded in my right eye, stuff and stuff. The car/bike accident changed me three and a half years later.

Anyway, I’m quite happy even if that happiness is a tiny part of today’s feelings.

To Mister Eric Wilson, if you’re still around, thank you for giving a part of my childhood something to look back to.

PS: the picture of this post is the Storybrooke bakery at Steveston Village. Which is actually really cool because Once Upon A Time is filmed there and is currently in its 5th season. The fictional town of Once Upon A Time is called Storybrooke. Which in some uncanny way just made me think of who Eric Wilson made the signature out to. ^_^ I know, total coincidence and not quite the same word, but still…

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Concepts from Leemanism has as little filtering as possible. These concepts are not reflected in the people I value and are associated with. People who accept me, adhere to the parts where we are compatible and tolerate the parts where we are not. So however people perceive me to be, ultimately it obviously doesn't mean the people I mention in this blog are the same as me. It means it's possible they are similar or the same, as well as different than me. It is highly unusual for people to be completely compatible with each other. It is also highly unusual for people to be fully supportive of each other, even if they say they do.

Common society expects self-respect to be a concept you enforce on yourself, while solely adhering to what common society dictates as being right. However, self-respect in fact, is doing what pleases you, while not permitting others to disrespect you, and when they do, you cut them out of your life. Don't let common society gaslight you into believing the self-respect you have for yourself should be dictated by common society's views on morality. Self-respect is the individual's right to live as they desire - not what common society deems as acceptable. Too often, people succumb to the weight of the world, dismissing their individual value, to try to fit in and be accepted. If you are the type of person who tries to fit in with common society, under the fantasy you are also an unique 'weird' person of your own thoughts, then I dare say, you're delusional. Everyone says they rather be weird, but when challenged, they retreat back into their social shells, doing everything they can to deflect self accountability.

That's utterly boring.

However, at the same time, I also understand that some people must do what they must do to protect themselves, before the law of the land and before common society try to lynch them for what they are. Even if your ideals may be right, society will more often than not, deem you wrong - even most of your friends may side with society, than protect you.

So with that said, we are few. Stay safe. (•̀ᵥᵥ•́)